Guidance update on the use of face coverings

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The First Minister on Friday 11 September announced that face coverings will become mandatory for everybody aged 11 and over in indoor public places across Wales from 14 September 2020. 

For the sport and physical activity provision, the announcement means that face coverings will need to be worn in public areas including within sports and leisure facilities. The wearing of face coverings will not be required whilst participating in organised sport or physical activity. 

The further announcement that from Monday, only a maximum of six people from an extended household will be able to meet indoors at any one time, will not apply to organised sporting activity. This number remains at 30 for both indoor and outdoor activity. Each college is reminded to ensure that via their own protocol, guidance by National Governing Bodies and Welsh Government continues to be followed. 

Official Statement from Welsh Sport Association: 

“We have received confirmation from Welsh Government that there is no change to the indoor gathering for exercise regulation, however, all customers and staff will be required to wear masks in indoor facilities, although NOT for exercise.” 

“…exercise with others, in a gathering of no more than 30 people, at a fitness studio, gym, swimming pool, other indoor leisure centre or facility or any other open premises...”.   

It is recommended to familiarise yourself with the Welsh Government Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) which states: 

“If you are preparing to exercise, changing, or undertaking any activity that isn’t strenuous, especially when in close contact with other people, you will need to wear a face covering. 

"However, there may be circumstances where the layout of the premises and the nature of the exercise you are doing means that it would not be reasonable to expect you to wear a face covering. The World Health Organisation advises against wearing a face covering when exercising as sweat can make a face covering become wet more quickly, making it difficult to breathe and promoting the growth of microorganisms. It advises the important preventative measure during exercise is to maintain physical distance from others.” 


Further Information 

Updated Welsh Government Guidance: 
Face coverings: guidance for public 
12 September 2020 

Welsh Government Press Release: 
Further constraints on meeting socially and compulsory face coverings to help prevent new coronavirus crisis 
11 September 2020 

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